I was 9 or 10 years old when I was first told about masturbation by a friend who was a year older than me. At that stage I did not think there was anything special about it. I shared a room with my younger brother, but fortunately, as I developed and came to enjoy masturbation, I was able to move into a room of my own and enjoy the privilege of masturbating in private without having to wait for my younger brother to get to sleep. I still had lots of "wet-dreams," although my mother did not seem to be fazed by the stains on the sheets.
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Sage advice
I'm not sure exactly how old I was when I first started masturbating -- either 11 or 12 -- but I know I was curious about my body, other people's bodies, and sexuality from a very young age. At age 7 I remember lying in bed, pulling down my pants, and holding up my erection to look at it. There was no stroking, no sexual feelings at all -- just curiosity and amazement. At the same age, I became fascinated with the female body, having seen some female nudity in movies with the help of my older brother, and wanted to know what they had in their pants.
Create A Fountain Of Semen
Put a dab of water-based lubricant in the tip of a latex condom and roll the condom onto your penis. (I use a condom to minimize mess, enhance stimulation, and collect "pre-cum" for use as lubricant. If you use one, make sure you have urinated recently before starting this extended session, because you won't be able to for a while.) Masturbate without ejaculating for two or more 30-minute sessions, with a few hours between sessions, approaching near climax at least 3 times during each session.
Semen Flavors
I've been masturbating about 3 times a day for 5 years or so. Ever since I first ejaculated (it took me a while to realize it was a feature of masturbating), I've been eating my semen. The flavor varies with the diet. With meats and such, there is a salty or almost buttery taste. With fruits, well, my favorite, it's a sweet sensation. Caution though, vegetables can be bad depending on what they are. But fish is the worst. Never again will I eat my semen after eating fish. I've also figured out texture can make the difference.
Freestyle Gazelle
I first discovered masturbation when I was about 12 years old. I was channel-surfing in my bed and found an infomercial, and it had some really pretty women in it, so I pulled down my pants and started rubbing because it felt good. I had no idea what was going to happen. When I reached orgasm I was, at first, scared and shocked. After I realized that it *felt good* I kept going and finished the orgasm. I didn't feel the semen on my stomach, so when I pulled up my pants, I made a huge mess everywhere!
Insanity and/or blindness
I am 54 years old. As best as I can remember, I started masturbating at age 12. My father had told me that masturbating would cause insanity and/or blindness. I had been introduced to sex around that time by my cousins who were near my age. I remember how good it felt entering a woman and how hard my penis was. My first ejaculation was a surprise. My female cousin stopped having intercourse with me and her brother, and I wanted that feeling of ejaculation again. After that, it seems I was always playing with myself.
Solo learning
When I was 10 or 11 I started having "wet dreams" 1 or 2 times a week. My school friends were having them also, and we would compare experiences. My buddy and I went to the local library and started reading sex books for pre-teens and adolescent males. We learned what "wet dreams" were all about, about erections, masturbation, and ejaculating. My older brother didn't tell me a thing, and neither did my dad.
The first time I really ever heard of masturbation was when I was in 5th grade. There were 4 teachers -- 2 male and 2 female; we split up with the guys in 2 rooms and the girls in 2 rooms. We talked about puberty and masturbation. Nobody openly said they masturbated or even understood what the heck it even was. Everyone assumed you were gay if you did it, and that it wasn't normal for any guy to do it.
Venture forth
I don't really remember discovering masturbation on a specific occasion, but I do remember that when I was about 10 or 11 I used to find it fun to lie on my stomach in bed with my penis between the fingers of my hand and move my hips up and down. I did this because it felt good and didn't associate it with sex, and so I wasn't at all embarrassed about it -- though my dad did try to stop me from doing it on more than one occasion. It felt too good to stop, though, so I would carry on again as soon as he left.