Growing up in a fairly (or depending upon how you look at it, unfairly) religious family, I was extremely naive about many things. One of those things was my penis. I don't remember taking note of my penis before age 14 — seriously, it was there so I could pee. Then one day, at the small private school I was attending, a new student that year (with whom I had recently made friends) made an interesting gesture with his hand in front of his groin after saying a joke. I never displayed my ignorance — completely, anyway — and filed away the image for later "research." That evening in the shower, I thought about the hand movement and began the research. Now, I have what I've been told is a conservative circumcision, which means that when my penis is not erect only half of the head is covered (not completely over the head, but not totally without skin, either) — so when I am erect, there's a bit of skin that I can masturbate with if I want. That's how I did it, using the fisting method I had learned a bit about earlier that day. I truly had no idea what would happen as I continued; the sensations were great, and all of a sudden my knees wanted to buckle (so I leaned back against the shower wall) and witnessed and felt the power of the male orgasm for the first explicitly joyous time, as semen shot from my penis and onto the opposite shower wall. Wow! It felt so good!
Over the next two years I had a lot of fun. I graduated from one private school and left home to attend another. I moved in with my aunt and uncle and sahered a bedroom with my 13-year-old cousin. I told him about masturbation, but he had never heard of it. I soon found out why. One night I said I would show him, but when it got down to the bare truth he wasn't ready for it yet (he was a slow developer). No problem. One day at the private school, book reports with visual aids were being presented, and someone was discussing censorship. The teacher did not give any restrictions, and this student's visual aid was a pornographic movie. The teacher sat quietly for 10 minutes and let us see the movie before failing the guy and saying, "You not only brought something a person your age shouldn't have, but you have exposed people to this who may never have seen this, or wanted to, in their lives." After that day I became very intrigued by these interesting movies.
At age 18 I was back home. The school thing didn't work out too well. I had a membership for the type of video store I was intrigued by and had rented some movies by the time my cousin and his family came to visit for the summer. My cousin, now 15, was interested in picking up were we left off now that he had matured a bit more. During this discussion I told him of the videos, and that I noticed some lubrication was being used. His eyes lit up and he suggested baby oil. That night we popped in a videotape, remembering to lock the door (can't be too careful), and then we proceeded to strip to our boxers. We then realized we hadn't seen each other for a while and became shy. We sat that way for a few minutes, until the obvious issue arose and we could wait no longer. As it turned out, it's a good thing we got lube, because he is fully circumcised. We then both discovered the wondrous sensations of baby oil as we sat side-by-side, eyes glued to the screen.
Now, at 26, I often partake in the enjoyment that many others do, and every 3 or 4 months my cousin and I still get together with a movie and lube. Over the years we have learned a lot from each other regarding techniques and lubes. We have learned that the best lubes are Wet and Astroglide, although my cousin claims Wet makes the job get over too quickly. Also every year — it started as a joke — we buy toys (pouches for the balls that vibrate, rubber vaginas, etc.) and have used them to even greater satisfaction. Even though we have girlfriends, we still enjoy getting together. It seems to have brought us closer together in friendship.
So there you have it. Masturbation has been a positive experience in my life. It can bring you closer to friends, as long as they are open-minded (today's society is so black-and-white, or should I say gay-or-not-gay). Remember, masturbating with a friend never means you're gay. Now, if you want more than that from him, perhaps — but have fun and don't stress society's phobias.
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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Book report