I first found out about masturbation when I was 10 or 11. I was in the shower and I had an erection. I sat on the floor of the shower and just started to rub my penis. After about 15 minutes I started to experience a feeling I had never had before. It got stronger and stronger as the seconds went by. I was getting nervous about what was happening, but it felt too good to stop. All of a sudden a huge wad of white goo spurted all over. I had no idea what it was or what I had just done. I thought I had done something wrong or harmful to myself. I felt like a pervert.
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Bubbling urethra
My earliest sexual memories were when I was 3. I recall sitting under the clothesline stoop fondling myself. Some time after that recollection, another boy and I were exposing ourselves to a girl. Then we came up with the idea to put each other's penises in our mouths. What a novel idea for two 3-year-olds. I didn't last long, as his tasted oily, but he didn't seem to have a problem sucking on mine. However, the girl told her mother of what had happened, and she in turn told my mother in front of me. I was so distressed — but my mom never scolded or punished me. What a great mom.