My first strong memory of getting an erection is from when I was 4 or 5 years old. My mom and I were walking around in a department store, and she happened to notice I had a tent in my pants. This seemed to embarrass her a little, but being so young it didn't embarrass me at all. She asked me if I had to go to the washroom, and because I didn't, I said no. But back then, I didn't even know why my penis got hard and stuck out like that. I just figured it was what happened when I needed to urinate, and I gave no more thought to it.
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It all started 10 years ago, when I was 9. I was always embarrassed to admit that, but in some way, I've always felt I accomplished something. I know people who hadn't masturbated until they were 13, and some who claim to have never done it. (Liars!) Well, all I have to say is that they don't know what they're missing.
Bygone ben-wa ball
As a female, I'm always intrigued to find out about the coming-of-age experiences of the opposite sex. I love the JackinWorld Biographies because not only are they sometimes a turn-on, but they provide amazing insight into men in general. Though the majority of your readership might not care about a girl's masturbation experiences, I'm willing to bet some people might find female information a little interesting for a change.
First rule of masturbation club
I had previously submitted a JackinWorld Biography, but the story was unfinished — just covering early years in detail with a smattering of info from college on. I would now like to relate further on my college years and beyond. My freshman year was my first time away from home for an extended period. As a daily masturbator facing a situation of living in a small room with another person in a very large dorm, I was wondering what was going to happen. Well, my roomie was a jerk.
Tea room
I discovered masturbation at a very late age. I was raised extremely conservative Christian. My parents never had "the talk" with me, so I learned only bits and pieces of information. By the time I was 14 (1996), I had read the entire 1964 World Book section on reproduction and sex. The whole reason I ever even tried masturbation was because guys at school would refer to it as if those who did it were weird or wrong. Guys always made fun of it, and I wondered what it was supposed to be exactly.
Tennis anyone?
I am a 24-year-old woman. My first masturbation experience occurred when I was 11 or 12. It was mutual masturbation with a male friend of mine. He was the same age, and when I think of it now I realize it could be construed as something entirely different — but at the time it was purely innocent exploration. We were having a sleepover, and we kids were put in the living room in sleeping bags for the night. I was lying awake after the younger children had gone to sleep, when he asked me if I would touch his penis.