It all started in 2nd grade, at around age 9. Somehow, I got a hold of two "Dizzy Drollers," as they were called — cute little psychedelic-colored pens, which an ordinary kid would have used to draw jaggy red or blue lines on a piece of paper. In retrospect, the small vibrating phallic-shaped "pens" could be easily called and sold as vibrators, if it weren't for the coloring tip (which was removable, by the way). It didn't take me long to get bored by the seemingly random lines it created, so I started looking for other ways to use it.
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Tennis anyone?
I am a 24-year-old woman. My first masturbation experience occurred when I was 11 or 12. It was mutual masturbation with a male friend of mine. He was the same age, and when I think of it now I realize it could be construed as something entirely different — but at the time it was purely innocent exploration. We were having a sleepover, and we kids were put in the living room in sleeping bags for the night. I was lying awake after the younger children had gone to sleep, when he asked me if I would touch his penis.
Safe self-torture
At age 10 I liked to take off all my clothes and make up imaginary stories, fake video games, if you will, that would involve unexplainable acts of "self torture" (nothing painful) and a variety of different places to sit while nude. This went on for a few months. I then discovered that my penis was craving to be touched while I did these acts. I did so starting at about the age of 10 1/2, but didn't do much more. The touch felt good, but I knew a small part was missing.
Brush With Greatness
This method is fantastic and will give you an unbelievable sensation. You need a soft-bristle toothbrush. Use the brush to gently and slowly rub your balls and underside of your penis. It will give you a feeling like you've never had. You can fondle yourself for hours this way. When you take a break and start up again, you'll experience the same intense pleasure without ejaculating. You can use the handle of the brush to rub your scrotum with as well as the crack of your feels soooo good.
Vibrating Razor Device
My masturbation technique requires a vibrating device. I use a men's Gillette M3 electric razor. Just remove the blades from the device and turn it on. Move the device around to find the "sweet spot" on the penis. Don't masturbate in any other way. A good position is to lie on your back. When the orgasm is about to occur, your penis will start to twitch, but you should continue to use the vibrating device rather than your hand. The semen may not squirt out (it may slowly drip out), but the orgasm is usually very pleasurable. It's like someone is torturing you with an orgasm.