Sex for me began innocently enough. Starting at age 12, I enjoyed lying on my bed in pajamas, on my belly, rocking forward and back, because it made my penis feel good. If I did that long enough, for just a moment I would feel very good all over my body, like I was flying, and there'd be a little "jump" deep inside me. I had never heard of masturbation, didn't suppose that any observer would guess that my penis was being stimulated, and did it openly, whenever I wanted, even if other family members were present.
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Bonus stroke
Playing the drums
As a young child through 8th grade (age 14), I was sent to a private Christian school. This school was very strict in the teachings they presented to us. Everything was completely religion-based. Even the science and history classes were all about "God's plan." Anyway, I think this background is what kept me from masturbating at an early age like most young boys. When I was a little kid, I didn't even think about what my penis was for. I was not even concerned with myself in that sense until the end of 6th grade when I was 12.
Prof. So-and-so
I'm 47 years old, and I can't remember when I didn't know what an erection was. When I had one, it was lots of fun to play with. I remember being a little boy in the bathtub with a little tiny erection, rubbing it between my fingers, and it felt so good. My parents didn't give me much grief about it; they just studiously ignored the matter. I got the subliminal message that I should do it in private, or maybe not do it at all.
Impresive resumé
I was very young when I learned to masturbate, only 7 or 8 years old. As a young child I remember having frequent erections. I once got one at the doctor's office (in front of my mom!) when I had to pee into a cup for a kindergarten physical. How embarrassing. But erections felt good, and I liked to play with them when I was alone. I'd like to say my first orgasm was a memorable event, but it wasn't. At that age, it felt erotic to sleep with no underwear. I soon learned that rubbing my penis against the sheets felt especially good.
Bean-bag chair
I'm 35 now. I started masturbating before I'd heard about what it was, probably when I was 11. I'm not sure, maybe it was 10 — but I do remember that I was in bed in the morning before getting up for school, lying on my back and pushing my erection down between my thighs and letting it spring back up. I found that this felt really good, and I'd just lie there for several minutes, doing it over and over until the feeling got too intense and I'd stop.
Though I learned to masturbate at a young age, my first ejaculations were the result of "wet dreams." At first, I didn't realize what was happening; I assumed I was wetting the bed or something, even though I was too old for that. I felt very embarrassed, and therefore, I did not tell my parents. The nocturnal emissions were somewhat enjoyable, despite the inconvenience of having to change pajamas in the middle of the night without waking up my little brother. I didn't remember anything the first time, but in a later incident, I woke up shortly afterward and my penis felt wonderful.
Severe thunderstorm warning
I first discovered masturbation, by accident, when I was 11 years old. I did not know anything about masturbation, orgasms, ejaculations, etc. But I can remember how good my first orgasm felt, and I also experienced my first ejaculation.
My best toy
Where I grew up, in a very conservative state, things like masturbation were not even talked about. It seems to me that Idaho might be a bit on the homophobic side. Also, for some reason, some people have the unhealthy attitude that if you masturbate you are gay, when obviously as many straight people masturbate as gays do. At least in southeastern Idaho, that is the attitude. I never did have shower experiences with other guys because no one ever took a shower in P.E. I don't know how other people pulled it off without smelling horrible, because I had a terrible time with B.O.
Lose fluid from the brain
The first time that I recall masturbating was when I was about 4 years old. We were visiting with friends and I was sent upstairs to take a bath since it was nearly bedtime. I finished my bath and let the water run out. I noticed that I had an erection, which meant nothing to me at the time. But I put my hand on it and liked the sensation. I am uncircumcised, so I started examining my foreskin. I discovered it felt good when I pulled it back, so I started moving it back and forth. I guess I must have been so caught up in the moment and the pleasure that I kept on doing it for a long time.
Increasingly accessible
Though as a young boy I was unaware of the name for masturbation, or even the fact that it was sexual, I engaged in it privately from my earliest memories. At that age I was unable to ejaculate, but I nevertheless enjoyed the pleasure induced by orgasm.