My first memory related to my genitals dates to an incident that occurred when I was about 4. Three other boys of the same age and I decided to compare the sizes of our penises. Incredibly, we did so in broad daylight in the parking area of our apartment building! I don't know if we were observed by anyone, but nothing was ever said — to me, at any rate. There were no further such episodes or anything else related to it.
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The Eel
Mountain excursion
It's Thursday morning and I'm awakened by that slightly nagging feeling one gets when the call of nature beckons. Only 4 o'clock, and as late as I retired the night before, I had been hoping for a little more sleep. I try to return to this strangely comical dream I was having, but no luck. Call of nature gets more insistent, so I hop out of bed and head for the bathroom. Back in bed again I'm ready for another 40 winks. Except for whatever trigger sets off in my brain that "dicky boy" was getting ready for some action! I know from long experience this was a call I couldn't just ignore.
Plateau of ecstacy
It has been a real pleasure for me to read many of the stories on JackinWorld where guys like me have recalled the joys of masturbation from pre-puberty to the present. My story is and has been filled with satisfying memories of masturbation.
Dry leaves
I grew up in a Southern family that was extremely religious. We never talked about sex, alcohol, or bodily functions. Our home was almost puritanical; I never saw my dad or brothers naked. I'm sure that my mother was actually afraid of sex; my dad never spoke of it, although I think he had a very strong libido, so he was probably hugely frustrated most of the time. (In mid-life he left my mother to have a torrid affair with another woman.) I began to have sexual fantasies around age 10, although I didn't realize that's what they were.
On the floor
When I was 12 years old, an orgasm happened to me inadvertently in the shower. For some strange reason, after or during this shower, as weird as it sounds, I got very tired — I don't recall any other reason — that I lay down on the shower floor. Then a little while later I started feeling this tingly sensation in my penis, because a stream from the showerhead was hitting just below my penis head. Very soon I startlingly sat up because my breathing became fast and irregular; I was a little scared!
Like most other people here, I have been masturbating for most of my life. I'm 24 now, but I first started doing it at age 11 and have been going at it on average at least twice a day from that point on. Unlike most other people here, I was sexually aware at a much younger age than when I started masturbating. What I mean is that I was having constant erections as early as 6 years old, and I can remember playing with my penis every time I was naked (bathtub, toilet, changing clothes, etc.).
Variety of stimuli
I thank JackinWorld for being an integral part of my masturbation life — there from the very beginning. I first masturbated to orgasm 6 years ago. As puberty was just starting, I found myself browsing the Internet searching for whatever information I could come across. At some site, somewhere, I found a link to JackinWorld. I was intrigued and diligently read the JackinHow-To section. I went downstairs to my room (by now everybody was asleep), stripped naked, and lay on my bed. I tried to follow the directions, pulling the skin on my penis back and forth.
Ottoman by the hearth
Hi! Female here. Heaven knows how I happened to run into JackinWorld, but I did. I found it most interesting, and sound in judgment and fact. Because you take the subject seriously, I thought I would spend a few minutes and pass along some of my experiences with boyfriends who enjoy my hands on them.
Prof. So-and-so
I'm 47 years old, and I can't remember when I didn't know what an erection was. When I had one, it was lots of fun to play with. I remember being a little boy in the bathtub with a little tiny erection, rubbing it between my fingers, and it felt so good. My parents didn't give me much grief about it; they just studiously ignored the matter. I got the subliminal message that I should do it in private, or maybe not do it at all.
Willing to improvise
I've masturbated for as long as I can remember. For all I know, I may have been busy masturbating when I was born. Of course, my technique when I was young wasn't very sophisticated. I'd lie on my front, I'd use my right hand to clamp my flaccid penis against my right leg, and I'd cup my left hand over my scrotum, which I held to my left. Then, I'd wiggle my groin. I masturbated like this at least once a day, and I think my penis may have been my favorite plaything. It certainly is the only plaything I still play with 30 some years later!