My first interest in sex probably began when I was 7 or 8. At church we didn't have bathrooms in the building, so we had to go to a bathroom facility that was in the school yard in back of the church. Often I would meet up with a fellow (probably in his 20s or 30s) sitting outside the bathroom moving his hand up and down on his penis slowly, then rather rapidly. This interested me, but I had no idea what he was doing. In fact, I did not even know the word "penis." I came from a single-mother family with no siblings, and my mother was never into discussing sex.
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Mission impossible
I am past 70 now, but I shall never forget the time of my adolescence with its confusion, frustration, and pain — all of which were related to sexuality, a total lack of understanding about the changes taking place in my body, and specifically, masturbation. I grew up in a Christian home where sex seemed to be a dirty word. Actually, I never heard it discussed at all, and I suppose the silence was what conveyed the idea that the subject was something to be avoided. There was absolutely no sex education at all.
Motor oil
I don't remember when I didn't fondle my penis. I still do, every chance I get. My first memory is of sitting in my highchair at the dining-room table with no pants on, fondling my penis. Apparently, I had wet all my pants and they were in the washer. My father was yelling at me to "Stop that." I had no idea what he was talking about, so I kept right on fondling myself. He then said that if I didn't stop, he would throw his water at me. I didn't stop, since I didn't know what he was talking about, so he threw his water at me.
I began to masturbate at about age 11, mainly due to curiosity about my body that a number of guys have when they start wanking. I was sitting in bed and noticed that my penis had gone stiff. I began to rub it with the "fist" method, and a little later I had this intense feeling, my first orgasm. I rushed to the bathroom, thinking I needed to pee quite badly. I thought all these feelings I had were odd, and didn't think about what I had done for a week or two. At about this time, my friends had been joking about wanking, and I had no real idea what they were talking about.
The maid's cart
From the days of early childhood, I can remember innocently humping pillows or playing with myself. I had no idea what I was doing, nor did I really care. All I knew was that it felt good. In kindergarten I can remember wrestling with the other kids and how good it felt when they would get on top of me and put pressure on my penis. At one point the neighbor kids and I would get together to show each other our penises. I am not really sure why we did it; it may have been simply because we knew we were not supposed to. I believe at age 10 I noticed my first semi-erection.
Bean-bag chair
I'm 35 now. I started masturbating before I'd heard about what it was, probably when I was 11. I'm not sure, maybe it was 10 — but I do remember that I was in bed in the morning before getting up for school, lying on my back and pushing my erection down between my thighs and letting it spring back up. I found that this felt really good, and I'd just lie there for several minutes, doing it over and over until the feeling got too intense and I'd stop.
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As of July of this year, I am no longer a teenager. I turned 20 and left my awkward, gangly years behind me. If only I knew then what I know now, growing up would have been so much easier.
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It all started 10 years ago, when I was 9. I was always embarrassed to admit that, but in some way, I've always felt I accomplished something. I know people who hadn't masturbated until they were 13, and some who claim to have never done it. (Liars!) Well, all I have to say is that they don't know what they're missing.
I began masturbating when I was about 5 years old. Of course, I had no idea what I was doing or why I was doing it, other than it felt really good. Between the ages of 5 and 10, most of the masturbating I did resulted from climbing the poles and using the ring sets on the playground. Some of my favorite sensations still come from climbing poles — but alas, I no longer need to do that.
Body vs. machine
Prior to beginning my life of masturbation, I had discovered my father's stash of "dirty" magazines. This was probably around age 10. I knew that I enjoyed looking at the pictures of nude women (more for intrigue than anything else at that point), but at the time, I didn't know what masturbation was, nor did I ever think about touching myself. My mother caught me looking at the magazines once and told me not to look at them. However, she didn't mention anything about sex or masturbation, not then and not ever.