My first memory related to my genitals dates to an incident that occurred when I was about 4. Three other boys of the same age and I decided to compare the sizes of our penises. Incredibly, we did so in broad daylight in the parking area of our apartment building! I don't know if we were observed by anyone, but nothing was ever said — to me, at any rate. There were no further such episodes or anything else related to it.
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The Eel
Broken leg
I started noticing differences between boys and girls' bodies in nursery school. The boys and girls didn't have separate restrooms; I thought that girls had to urinate sitting down because their penises weren't fully developed like boys (of course we urinated standing).
Homework aside
I grew up in the East End of London in the 1950s, and I can identify my earliest recollections of sexual arousal as being due to us having no bath or shower. Instead, my mother would stand me on the kitchen table and first shampoo my hair, then give me a complete wash-down, missing out nothing from top to toe. Around 8, 9, 10 years old, my little pecker would stand to attention.
Charlie horse
Just as a young teen may remember his first home run or his first choir solo, I remember my first solo with my sexuality. It's definitely something that will always be with me. I was in 7th grade at the time, and I was fantasizing about a new friend I had made. Actually, fantasy was only part of the act — I was also occasionally glancing at a Baywatch episode. At this time I was almost completely straight, and the firm breasts really did it for me. I had been getting erections since I could remember, but by this time I knew that I was capable of much more.
Carry on, men!
I am a 41-year-old male in an upper-management position in the finance industry. Masturbation has been a "lifetime companion" — from the time I reached puberty until the present I have masturbated two or three times a day and still enjoy a very active sex life with my partner. I remember the first time I masturbated: I was 12 years old and woke up one morning with a white crust on my stomach. My parents had taught me about sex when I was only 5 or 6, so I was aware what had happened that night and knew what it meant — I could achieve orgasm!
My mantra
Although I probably had a hand around my fetal penis, I didn't masturbate to orgasm until I was about 14. A kid in the 8th grade lunchroom said something about "whacking off" and made a circle with his thumb and index finger. Up and down he gestured. I waited until a quiet Sunday afternoon when nobody was home. At that time I was still small enough to fit into an old canvas laundry bag, and I wore it over my naked body. The feel of the material stimulated me.
Wilson speaks
I kind of feel like the guy in Castaway — you know, he painted a smile and two dots on a volleyball for a friend. Well, I was circumcised, so, erect, there's that smile looking at me. My Wilson to bat around and make me smile through the years. There's been a few tears, too. But when I think about it, it's been me and Wilson through everything. The way I look at it, when I ejaculate, that's Wilson speaking. He's spoken to a few people, but mostly to me.
Sex: Yes, please!
I grew up in the 1950s in Calvinistic South Africa. It was a very straight-laced and conservative place — still is, in many ways. My mom was very religious, and sex, in any form, was not a subject of discussion. At school the word "sex" was never used. We would talk of "gender" or, maybe, male and female. A form might ask what your "gender" was. At least the modern forms say "sex" — to which I always want to respond, "Yes, please!"
Long and fruitful
Although I am only 14, I pride myself in my long and fruitful masturbation life. I first discovered masturbation when I was only 10. Bracing my penis on my stomach, I used to do it by taking my index and middle finger and rubbing vigorously until I orgasmed. (Of course, nothing came out.) When I discovered the cool feeling that resulted, I rushed to tell all my friends how to do it. They went home and tried it, and all came back to 4th grade thanking me deeply. In 4th grade, I kept up the habit a solid 3 times a day.
Masturbation has been an important part of my life since I was a small child. Now I am a happily married husband and father of 3 great kids. I have a normal sex life with my wife, but I still cherish my love life with myself through masturbation — usually once a day, but sometimes twice. I also cherish the memories of my masturbation experiences through the years.