When I was 12 years old, an orgasm happened to me inadvertently in the shower. For some strange reason, after or during this shower, as weird as it sounds, I got very tired — I don't recall any other reason — that I lay down on the shower floor. Then a little while later I started feeling this tingly sensation in my penis, because a stream from the showerhead was hitting just below my penis head. Very soon I startlingly sat up because my breathing became fast and irregular; I was a little scared!
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Wallow in the joy
I am a 67-year-old circumcised man who has been very happily married for 44 years and yet still indulges in the pleasurable pastime of masturbation.
I suppose I must have been about 10 years old when I first discovered that by playing with my penis it would stiffen and produce a delightful sensation. My elder brother had already reached puberty, and he showed me the "fist" method so that I could induce the wonderful feeling that I later learned to be an orgasm.
Broken leg
I started noticing differences between boys and girls' bodies in nursery school. The boys and girls didn't have separate restrooms; I thought that girls had to urinate sitting down because their penises weren't fully developed like boys (of course we urinated standing).
Irrigation canal
I grew up on a farm, and although I had seen animals having sex, I hadn't had "the talk" from my parents when I first learned about masturbation. I was about 11 and my brother 9 1/2 when we had the preacher's boys (our same ages) sleeping over one summer night in a makeshift tent. The conversation worked around to girls and sex. They asked if we knew about masturbation; we said, "What's that?" So they explained, and we tried it, with amazing results in a few minutes. Having no terms for any of this, I called the orgasm a "thrill" — which it was.
Spinal muscular atrophy
I've long wanted to talk about masturbating. The problem is that in my society (South Africa), it's regarded as either childish or perverse (or both!). Only two people I know have admitted that they enjoy this activity, and even they tend to shrug it off as something to do between sexual encounters. Now, we know that masturbation is something quite different to sexual intercourse.
My good feeling
The first I can remember receiving pleasure from touching myself was when I was a young boy, probably around age 5 or so. Saturday and Sunday mornings were always quiet around the house, as the older people recuperated from the week, and I was allowed to lounge around in my PJs and watch cartoons in the den. Usually I was alone, and I can remember idly playing with my penis with my hand down in my pants.
The canyon
I have had many years of enjoying masturbation since I was introduced to the miracle at age 9. I shared a room with an older brother who wanted the freedom to masturbate anytime he wanted, so he showed me what "the big boys" do. Of course I didn't wait until I was one of them. Suddenly, the little erections I was having made sense to me, and I began to enjoy the miracle many times a day.
Pipe organ
I grew up in a house with two brothers (one older and one younger), and the interest in each other's penises was the source of much forbidden pleasure. While our parents were away we would often show each other our proud erections, certainly the symbols of approaching manhood. We would compare and fondle each other's penises, even though we had yet to discover the wonders of orgasm. Nonetheless, the experience was intense. Looking back on three young guys sporting their erect penises seems only like a dream.
Gym class camaraderie
I began masturbating just before my 12th birthday. I learned it by accident. I had been watching a movie with my older brother, and it had a sex scene. I was watching intently when I heard my brother moan quietly. I glanced at him just as he was removing his hand from his pants. I asked him what he was doing and he said we would talk later that night when we went to bed. Because he was two years older than I was, he got to stay up an hour later than me.
Erotic research
I am a heterosexual Caucasian male living in Upstate New York. I discovered masturbation accidentally. Around age 12, when my penis began to grow, my erections became more frequent and started to capture my attention. I initially wasn't concerned about my penis size; I was in the early stages of exploring my sexuality. I would stare in the mirror with my penis erect at a right angle to my body, just admiring the beauty of the whole experience. My erections were very hard, but they were still only about 4 inches.