My first memory related to my genitals dates to an incident that occurred when I was about 4. Three other boys of the same age and I decided to compare the sizes of our penises. Incredibly, we did so in broad daylight in the parking area of our apartment building! I don't know if we were observed by anyone, but nothing was ever said — to me, at any rate. There were no further such episodes or anything else related to it.
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The Eel
Plateau of ecstacy
It has been a real pleasure for me to read many of the stories on JackinWorld where guys like me have recalled the joys of masturbation from pre-puberty to the present. My story is and has been filled with satisfying memories of masturbation.
Like most other people here, I have been masturbating for most of my life. I'm 24 now, but I first started doing it at age 11 and have been going at it on average at least twice a day from that point on. Unlike most other people here, I was sexually aware at a much younger age than when I started masturbating. What I mean is that I was having constant erections as early as 6 years old, and I can remember playing with my penis every time I was naked (bathtub, toilet, changing clothes, etc.).
Playing the drums
As a young child through 8th grade (age 14), I was sent to a private Christian school. This school was very strict in the teachings they presented to us. Everything was completely religion-based. Even the science and history classes were all about "God's plan." Anyway, I think this background is what kept me from masturbating at an early age like most young boys. When I was a little kid, I didn't even think about what my penis was for. I was not even concerned with myself in that sense until the end of 6th grade when I was 12.
Broken leg
I started noticing differences between boys and girls' bodies in nursery school. The boys and girls didn't have separate restrooms; I thought that girls had to urinate sitting down because their penises weren't fully developed like boys (of course we urinated standing).
Mystery of the Hard Penis
My first introduction to the wonderful world of penises and masturbation occurred when I was in 5th grade. I was toddling from my classroom out to the playground when my best friend yelled out my name. I turned around. My buddy was wearing a pair of loose-fitting sweatpants and he had a monster erection — well, monster by 5th-grade standards. "Hard as a rock!" he yelled excitedly. I smiled obliviously. What was that supposed to mean? The next morning, I asked my mom what it meant when my penis got hard. Predictably, she turned beet-red and told me to ask my father.
Is it cancer?
As of July of this year, I am no longer a teenager. I turned 20 and left my awkward, gangly years behind me. If only I knew then what I know now, growing up would have been so much easier.
Truth or dare
I was never told about masturbation as a child. My parents do not openly talk about such things, and I had no siblings to explain it to me. I guess I discovered masturbation at quite an early age, although at the time I didn't know what it was. I have memories of being 6 or 7 and playing with my penis under the sheets while the babysitter was downstairs. I didn't know what I was doing; all I knew was that it felt good. It didn't develop into anything more than just playing — until I reached age 12 and a friend introduced me into the world of masturbation.
Planes, Trains, Automobiles
A masturbation biography, what an odd concept. I think I first masturbated when I was 12 years old. I was in a public toilet of all places, and I was trying to go but my penis just wouldn't go down! As I was rubbing my hand against it, I realized that it felt good, and my life of masturbation had begun.
Cupped hands
I discovered masturbation at age 15, which I suppose is quite late. My friends in school were increasingly talking about "wanking," and through these conversations (and the hand-actions) I learned what it was all about but had never actually tried it myself. One night I was feeling particularly horny, so gave it a go, using the simple "fist" method that most people start with. It felt better than I had expected. However, when the orgasm came, I didn't know what was happening, and I suddenly realized I was ejaculating and had nothing to catch it in.