I was born with a foreskin, and I loved my foreskin. I would play with it and fondle it, and it was my best friend. Unfortunately, because my dad was circumcised, he did not teach me the importance of cleaning the inside while I showered. I was at my grandmothers taking a bath, and felt a stinging sensation in my penis. We went to the doctor's office when we got back to town, and he said I needed to schedule a CIRCUMCISION! So I went in, had it done, and then the nurse came in to check it out. Her nails were one of those huge fake ones, and she told me I couldn't "spank the monkey" for a while. Being a naive 8-year old, I asked, "How do you spank a monkey?" she said you know, and did the universal sign for masturbation. I said "Ohhh" to make it look like I understood what she meant.
After my penis healed, I was depressed; I didn't have my best friend. But I just kept on living. That next month or so, I had my first sexual experience with a girl. We played doctor and I got to touch her vagina. She showed me how to rub it so she felt good, and would get a "tingle in her tinkle" we did that for a long time, and it was fun to watch her face as she came to what I later learned was called an orgasm. One year later, we moved and I began fourth grade, in southern California, and also began to have urges that I couldn't help. I had them for both the girls in my class as well as the guys.
Nothing more happened until sixth grade. There was a guy in my P.E. class that I knew was at least bi-sexual if not gay. He had a locker right next to me, and when he'd drop his shorts, there would either be a tent in his boxers, or his head would be poking out, and he'd be checking me out. I tried my hardest not to look at him, even though I wanted to, but he already had a reputation for being gay, I didn't, and wanted to keep it that way. So I invited him over, he accepted. When my mom left to do some errands, he asked me, "Do you jack off" I said, "Yeah, doesn't everyone?" He said, "Yeah, you wanna?" I said sure. Then, he reached his hand over and began to mutually masturbate me. It was my first sexual experience with a guy and I loved it.
Let me back track a little. I didn't really learn to masturbate until I moved to California. I went to school one day, and when I got home, there were puberty books on my bed, so I read them, and that's how I learned all I know now. I didn't want to try masturbating yet, because I really wanted to have a wet dream, but the erections kept coming and coming, so I began to masturbate at the beginning of my 6th grade year. Now, back to the story.
The next time he came over, he spent the night, and we went a little farther, he was my first kiss, and that night was when I tried fellatio, as well as anal sex. It was great, and a night I will never forget. But then, he began to just want the sex and not the relationship, and then, all he'd want was me to give him what he needed, and I wouldn't get anything in return. So I broke it off with him, and went back to masturbating on my own.
I began to worry more about my own penis and how I could satisfy it the most. I hid all my equipment in my night stand and that's where it still is right now. I use a mixture of Vaseline and K-Y Warming Liquid for the perfect texture! I just added Astroglide into the mix, and I love it! I also discovered, that my favorite place to masturbate in the house when I'm home alone, is in my parents room, in front of their big mirror where I can do the almost-splits and see my penis, testicle, and anus. If people are home, then on my bed, with some kind of music to block the moaning, and squeaking. I learned a new technique after I got rid of the guy, it involves putting your favorite lube in a Ziploc baggie, then putting that in-between the bed, and the box-spring, then inserting your penis also lubed up, and thrusting away. That one was AMAZING!
I recently spent the night at a guy's house that I have had my eye on ever since I met him, and we had a blast. We watched Eurotrip, and then went into his room for a little bit of strip poker, without the stripping, because he didn't want to. Then he changed his mind, and we played "strip uno" all night, and added a dare onto whoever was naked. It was great. Finally he pounced on me. I was like "what are you doing" and he said," why aren't you pulling me off" I said "Truth or Dare" He said "dare" and I said" I dare you do whatever you feel like doing to me, and he did. It was an amazing night, the night I realized I truly was bi-sexual. He says he's not ready for a relation ship yet, but when he is, I hope Im the one he wants. Until that day, I will always have my hand to satisfy my penis.
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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