A masturbation biography, what an odd concept. I think I first masturbated when I was 12 years old. I was in a public toilet of all places, and I was trying to go but my penis just wouldn't go down! As I was rubbing my hand against it, I realized that it felt good, and my life of masturbation had begun.
From then until I was around 14 I masturbated at least once a day, sometimes up to 6 times a day. I'm not sure why now, but this led me to feel really guilty. When I was 14 I promised myself that I wasn't going to do it anymore; it got to a point where masturbation was actually making me miserable. I tried not to do it, and then if I ever did I would feel very guilty, and for no particular reason. I am not very religious and I wasn't with anyone; it just made me feel really bad. Around that time, though, I discovered JackinWorld, which let me know that masturbation wasn't actually a bad thing and that I could do it and not have to worry.
From then on it got better. I was probably masturbating once or twice a day, usually when I woke up and when I went to bed. I did once try to masturbate in the shower, only I forget to lock the door. I think my grandmother must have gotten quite a shock when she walked in and found her 15-year-old grandson masturbating — it was mortifying! I couldn't look her in the face for the longest time after that. That was the point at which I decided to put a lock on my bedroom door as well. My parents are quite liberal when it comes to things like that; they've mentioned in passing before that masturbation isn't a problem, but being the shy boy I was I just went red and nodded.
Later that year, after the shower incident, one of my friends came over to stay. He brought with him a porn video. Being the hormonal teenagers we were, we decided to watch it, and after a while it became evident that we both needed relief. That was the first time I masturbated with another guy. We did that a number of times after that, until we were nearly 17 and we moved to different schools.
Around this time I also discovered that I got a massive adrenaline high from masturbating outside. I made a habit of seeing how many places I could masturbate in! My list got quite extensive: planes, trains, in the woods, at school, in the library. How I never got caught I will never know. By this point I was in a fairly stable relationship, and other than my outdoor pursuits I was probably masturbating 3 or 4 times a week. In fact when I was 18 this got me into some trouble. My girlfriend was going away for 6 months, so I thought I'd make a videotape for her and slip it into her bag. I set up the camera in my room, made the tape, and put into her bag. However, when she got to her destination she didn't watch the video alone — she watched it with 10 of her friends, both male and female. I couldn't understand why everyone kept smiling at me when I picked her up from the airport! But that's okay; apparently there were lots of positive comments. I've never worried about my size, anyway; I mean, there was the usual quick attempt at sizing myself against other people in the school showers, but that was about it. I'm about 7.5 inches, and that's fine for me. It does what I want it to do.
Now I'm a mature grown-up (well, 21 anyway). I still do masturbate, but obviously not as frequently as when I was 13. I'm still with the same girl — the video one — and we live together now. We both work quite long hours, so we don't get a lot of time together. I suppose that accounts for some of the masturbation. She has never really minded masturbation; in fact, we normally use it as part of our foreplay. Generally I masturbate only 2 or 3 times a week now, normally in the mornings. It's my incentive to wake up in the morning.
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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Planes, Trains, Automobiles