Like many who've taken the time to join this amazing and awe-inspiring site, I have been a life-long masturbator. In fact, I cannot remember a time I haven't masturbated. Call it luck-of-the-draw, coincidence, or the best discovery of my life, but I found out how to pleasure myself before I can even remember my memories. For some reason I knew that it was best done in private, so I can't recall ever being scolded or diverted by my parents. I also don't remember them ever discussing it with me, which is just as well I suppose.
I always got such a rush as a child when I masturbated, and being fiercely independent helped. I was capable of bathing all alone at 5 or 6 years of age, which meant plenty of time for exploring my body. Luckily for me our bathtub was located in its own separate room, which meant I had plenty of time to cover up or turn over when anyone entered. My first memory of masturbating involved lying in the tub on my stomach and rubbing up and down, the porcelain surface meeting the underside of my penis. I'd move up and down, up and down, always being extra careful not to let too much water splash around. Of course my method worked perfectly once the tub was almost drained, but at that point I was expected to get out and let someone else use the tub.
Over the next few years I learned that I didn't always have to rely on the bottom of a bathtub to make me feel good. I learned that any type of rubbing felt good, and I took every chance I could get to touch myself. In my bedroom, in the car, in the garage, the backyard, you name it! At about 8 years of age I learned that my favorite place was on the toilet, as it afforded me privacy and lighting. (To this day I love watching myself do it, not just through a mirror but also looking down.) My method at the time involved rubbing my penis with the palms of both hands back and forth, almost as if I was starting a fire with wood. This method was fantastic until one day I discovered that doing it with one hand and going up and down yielded as result that was just as good and left me with tiny small orgasms. I still do it this way today!
At age 10, while locked in the bathroom happily rubbing up and down, I made one of the most important discoveries in my life. I had been rubbing for 5 minutes and began to get very close to my orgasm when all of a sudden a clear liquid shot out. That was followed by a milky-white substance, quite a lot of it! You can imagine my amazement — I had not had a "wet dream" before, no gradual physical liquid ejaculation, just a big sticky load at age 10! Of course I was terrified and truly thought I had broken something. But being a precocious 10-year-old growing up around adults, I quickly realized that it wasn't blood, and as long as it felt good and wasn't red I'd be a-ok. To this day I still chuckle thinking about that day. How many boys can remember their exact first time ejaculating?
The next few years are a blur of incessant masturbation. Not a day went by when I wasn't playing with myself, and it was wonderful to possess a self-awareness of my body — I have my parents to thank for giving me self-esteem. During a birds-and-the-bees chat at age 11, I realized what I was doing was normal, and that just made me do it even more! Before my 12th birthday I noticed I was sprouting hair, first on my testicles and then on my crotch. By age 12 I was fully hairy, and I suppose it was physical maturation at an early age. I also noticed during that period that my penis filled out and became very thick. That was also the year I began shaving. I was a little boy no more! As a side note, I remember visiting Barton Springs in Austin, Texas, one summer. It's a natural-fed spring pool with large separate outdoor changing areas, and once while leaving my family to go shower and change, a man commented on my physical appearance. "Little guy," he said, "how old are you?" with a puzzled appearance. I told him I had just celebrated my 12th birthday, to which he answered "but with that thing and all that hair, you're already a man! Jeez!" He must have been in his 50s and very jovial, and maybe my being Hispanic had something to do with it, as I have very dark hair and a dark brown penis. He also asked me if I was able to "shoot," and to this day I don't know if he was asking me if I was physically able to ejaculate or if I masturbated. I suppose I will never know. Certainly a funny memory.
My masturbatory habits were always solo events. I wasn't fortunate enough to have neighborhood friends or share bonding experiences with friends like I have always read about, but I certainly know I wasn't the only one having one-handed fun! Growing up I remember catching cousins doing it, giving in to natural adolescent curiosity and peeping through keyholes and windows, and just about any other way I could to catch a glimpse of others doing it. During a holiday party I purposely walked into the restroom, knowing that it was occupied by a family friend who was like another grandfather to us. He was urinating, and I pretended that I needed a band-aid from the medicine cabinet. I remember him telling me to scram while he playfully laughed, the entire time waving his peeing penis at me. I originally hoped he'd be doing something other than urinating, but oh well. I suppose I was so eager to share my discovery with the world and see how others do it — after all, self-pleasure is the best thing ever!
Fast forward to early adulthood and dating and sex. I've been blessed with a wonderfully healthy sex drive and have had amazing relationships with women. I am currently married, going on 10 years, and even though sex is wonderful I must admit I will never move away from that simple little trick I taught myself so many years ago in the bathtub. Masturbation hasn't caused any problems for me and my marriage, and she knows how much I love it. (Of course, she doesn't know how often I do it).
In regards to my current habits, you name it and I've done it! I'm still doing it daily (even as often as 4 times a day, with a record of 11), and at age 35 I will probably never ever slow down. The Internet and Web have totally revolutionized my love for masturbation, as now I can chat with others, discover incredible Web sites like JackinWorld, and even share techniques and methods through video-chatting with programs like ispq and iChat. In fact, just recently I played with a myriad of items and substances (a cantaloupe with a hole cut out, plastic baggies filled with lotion, even a rubber vagina) while chatting on camera — and while it's certainly not like "being there," it's still satisfying and completely safe for me, and I don't feel as if I am a cheating husband! Truth be told, I love masturbating so much and showing off and discussing it, and some men have showed me some new things online, too. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?
With that said, I'm off to take care of business, because like they say, practice makes perfect!
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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Pleasant porcelain