It all started 10 years ago, when I was 9. I was always embarrassed to admit that, but in some way, I've always felt I accomplished something. I know people who hadn't masturbated until they were 13, and some who claim to have never done it. (Liars!) Well, all I have to say is that they don't know what they're missing.
Where I'm from, our families are our neighbors, and consequently, my grandma lived right next door. I would spend all my time over there because she had cable TV and we didn't. My mom thought it would rot my brain. Well, I think she'll be happy to know: It did! Every couple of weekends, I would spend the night at my grandma's house to watch whatever was on late-night TV. I would sleep in the living room, as there were no guest rooms. This was all fine with me, since the TV was in the living room.
I remember watching something on Cinemax, and this hot sex scene came on. My penis started getting erect. This was a sensation I had never felt before, and I was curious. So I reached into my shorts with my right hand and started rubbing it. It felt great! So I did it some more. Suddenly, I felt something shoot out of my penis. I was scared, really. I didn't know what the hell it was. I was so freaked out that I ran into the kitchen and turned on the light to find out what this sticky goo was. I thought I had peed on myself, but it was much stickier than pee. After turning on the light, I noticed the liquid was completely clear. I guess when you masturbate at 9 years old, your prostate isn't fully working or whatever. It wasn't white or very thick. It was just this sticky clear liquid.
I had read about masturbation before in one of those puberty pamphlets you get at the clinic to amuse yourself while waiting. So, I convinced myself that that's exactly what had happened. I tried subtly asking some boys at school if that ever happened to them, but they didn't seem to know what I was talking about. I didn't care. All that mattered was that it felt good. Needless to say, I stayed the night at grandma's more often, masturbating every other weekend to cheap softcore on the premium channels.
After masturbating sporadically for two or three years, I began doing it every day. During summer, when I didn't have anything to do all day, I'd do it up to 7 times per day. (No, I'm not making that up!) I don't seem to be able to do it that much these days. When I was young, it was pretty much rapid-fire succession, but now I can probably do it two or three times a day. I think the orgasms have become much more intense, though.
With that same mixture of embarrassment as well as accomplishment, I'll admit that I've masturbated in Hawaii, Florida, Washington D.C., Washington State, North Carolina, California, and even Guam. I've done it in an airplane lavatory, waiting in a car outside a hardware store, and I've even snuck away to an empty room, locked the door, and masturbated at summer day camp.
I graduated from an all boys' Catholic college preparatory school, and the kinkiest thing I've done to this date was to masturbate the Valedictorian of our senior class in the back corner of the room, surrounded by about 35 other guys, and they didn't even notice.
Masturbation has obviously played an important part in my life. I'm not sure if this is a good thing, a bad thing, or if it's pretty much neutral. All I know is that I feel great afterwards, it helps me get the best night's sleep, and I won't be getting any STDs from myself. That's a big plus, seeing how I'm terrified of herpes and HIV.
Masturbation has never interfered with my sex life. In fact, it's even made it that much livelier a couple of times. One of my ex-boyfriends (yes, I'm gay) liked to watch me masturbate and told me he wanted me to eat my own semen. I think everyone should try it once, gay or straight, just so you know what it's like. I don't recommend getting all your protein that way, though — it really doesn't taste good at all — but at least you'll know you've tried it, and know what your girlfriend or boyfriend goes through to satisfy you. Maybe you'll understand why he or she won't swallow!
Gay, straight, bi, Thai — masturbation is for everyone. And the old saying is true: "At least you know you'll always be having sex with someone you love." That counts for a lot. Hope you enjoyed my weird masturbation Biography!
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