I am a heterosexual Caucasian male living in Upstate New York. I discovered masturbation accidentally. Around age 12, when my penis began to grow, my erections became more frequent and started to capture my attention. I initially wasn't concerned about my penis size; I was in the early stages of exploring my sexuality. I would stare in the mirror with my penis erect at a right angle to my body, just admiring the beauty of the whole experience. My erections were very hard, but they were still only about 4 inches. I thought that the overall shape of my penis was perfect — it looked cute to me, and that's all that really mattered for the time being. I would lie down in the bathtub and pull on my scrotum so my penis would stick straight up in the air like a rocket on the launch pad. It was an admiration stage — I hadn't yet discovered what awaited just a few months down the road.
One night while I was in bed (I shared the room with my brother, who was two years older), I got another one of those erections. This time something compelled me to reach into my briefs and grip my penis. I was just trying to test how hard my penis was by prodding and squeezing it. Then something compelled me — destiny perhaps? — to start an up-and-down rubbing motion with my fist, all while maintaining a firm grip. I knew I couldn't rub too fast, because the bed vibrations would become loud enough to alert my brother. (If you can't already tell, my family was very secretive about masturbation, and no one ever mentioned the "word" in a serious context.) When I was doing this, I had no idea what it would eventually lead to. I just kept rubbing steadily, and after a few minutes, I felt an unusual sensation in my penis as if I developed an urge to urinate. I didn't make anything of it at first, but of course the sensation became stronger as I continued.
When I reached orgasm, I had no idea what was going on. I can't even say I experienced pleasure — I felt a jerking sensation in my penis, as if something was coming out, but I knew it wasn't urine, a so I was confused. I probably ejaculated some semen, but I wasn't aware of the whole ejaculation process, so I didn't think I may have stained my shorts. I simply went to sleep, hoping my brother wasn't distracted by what I had done.
The next day, my brother inquired about the noise — so I decided that from then on, I had to investigate further in the privacy of my bathroom. It also dawned on me that I probably experienced my first official orgasm. I knew from reading sexuality books that orgasm was supposed to be pleasurable and exciting, so I proceeded to explore further. That morning, in the bathroom, I masturbated and ejaculated a very small amount of semen into the toilet, which confirmed what I had suspected. I actually had a sense of awe that I now could provide life-giving fluids — but my attention soon turned to the pleasure aspect of the experience. This is when I started to crave any sort of information about masturbation I could get my hands on. I went to my school library and the county library to read whatever they had related to masturbation. I found the whole "research" experience incredibly erotic, and I would often end up masturbating in the school or library bathroom.
I never masturbated with my friends, but looking back, I probably could have done it with my closest friend, with whom I had sleepovers for several years, had I known about JackinWorld and knew how common "circle jerks" were. I was always extremely curious to see how I stacked up with others my age. In my gym class, we never took showers (only the varsity football and basketball players had such an "opportunity"), so I was basically left out to dry. Hence, my curiosity, even to this day, has not been quelled. I have yet to see a live erect penis from a guy my age, and that just plain frustrates me to no end. I've downloaded video clips of the porn star Peter North, but that's as close as I've come to seeing the real thing in person.
I naturally became concerned about my penis size, as all boys probably do in their early teens. By about age 15, my erect penis had grown to 5 1/2 inches — but I was disappointed to read that the average, the golden barometer, was about 6 inches. I told myself I wanted to be at least average, and not a millimeter shorter. Now my penis, when under extreme arousal, can max out at 6 inches, give or take a few millimeters. Of course I wanted more and more, but I was relatively satisfied. I've read that many guys want a thick penis, but I've always preferred length over width. My penis now points upward when erect, 25-30 degrees from my belly button. I ejaculate considerably more semen, with the force and quantity depending primarily on the state and duration of my arousal. At my best, I can shoot 7 or 8 squirts, each of which flies a foot or more through the air. Those moments are truly magical, but I often don't have the time or the privacy to do this on a regular basis.
I've masturbated in probably every conceivable location, and we all know the list of locales, so I won't waste your time going through that. Probably the riskiest time was when I masturbated and ejaculated in the front seat of the car while I waited for my mom to pick up a prescription from the pharmacy. I've never been "caught," but that was a close shave. Now a majority of my sessions occur in my apartment bedroom, after my college roommates have gone to sleep.
I've tried a number of different techniques, but the "Fist" is still my favorite. Every once in a while, I do the "Mr. Spock" — which is very pleasurable in its own unique way — but the other techniques just don't make my A-list for me to consider them on a regular basis. I'm always up to try a new technique, though, so please keep the suggestions coming.
For a couple years, when I was 17 or 18 years old, I became fascinated with the idea that some guys can actually suck their own penises. With my erection being only 6 inches, I knew it would be a struggle to hit paydirt. With patience, I spent several weeks limbering up to the point where I could lick the head of my penis. I would wrap my arms under my thighs in a sitting position and pull my head toward my penis in this fashion. Since I knew I was making progress, I continued to work at it. Eventually, I could get 75% of my erect penis into my mouth! Unfortunately, this was so painful that not only was it not pleasurable, I couldn't keep myself in such a position for very long. At best, I would resort to self-sucking at the very end of a masturbation session, with the intention of ejaculating into my mouth — but even then, I would always back out at the last second. I only once ejaculated into my mouth and swallowed my semen. I didn't like it, and I haven't done it that way since. I think it's because the semen is so warm and that my mouth is used to cold, refreshing beverages. No one drinks warm water, so I think that's the best explanation for our general distaste for swallowing semen. I knew that I was hurting my back, so I eventually stopped trying to do something I was not genetically equipped for. Unless you have a 7 1/2" or longer penis, don't bother — it's not worth the effort, even if you do manage to make contact. For those of you who are lucky, take advantage of what your father has passed on to you.
This past summer, as a different form of arousal, I decided to videotape my masturbation session with a webcam. It's a great turn-on to see myself on the computer screen — although I still can't get a dark background, so my semen is often hard to see on the video when it flies out of my penis. I suggest everyone to do this — it's a different experience seeing yourself on "TV," so to speak.
At this point in my life, even though I still masturbate regularly — typically once a night before bedtime — my thoughts are now more focused on establishing a lasting relationship with a girlfriend.
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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Erotic research