I'm 22 and from Wisconsin. I began masturbating just before my 12th birthday. Within a few weeks I experienced my first ejaculation. Not knowing what it was, I was alarmed and stopped masturbating for several days -- but soon the urge was too great and I resumed, without much care.
In my mid teens I masturbated most frequently, sometimes up to several times a day. I had never really discussed or acknowledged masturbation to friends until my sophomore year in high school. On a choir trip I ended up rooming with three seniors who brought several pornographic magazines with them. Occasionally in the room they'd talk about needing to "bust a nut" and retire to the bathroom with a magazine for several minutes. They'd emerge and the others would ask them "how it was" which they'd usually acknowledge by laughing and saying "good" or shaking their head and saying "so so." Around this time I stopped using my hand to masturbate and began "humping" a pillow almost exclusively, a technique I learned on my own.
Between the ages of 18 and 19 I began experiencing my most powerful orgasms. After masturbating almost exclusively with a pillow for the two years I switched back to masturbating with my hand, a practice I continue to the present. While I sometimes use pillows for variety I find my orgasms are much more intense when I use my hand. I think this is because my seminal fluids can discharge faster without my full body applying pressure on my penis.
In college I joined a fraternity. Discussion about masturbation was much more frank and open, and I became more comfortable acknowledging it to my peers. On the final night of initiation week my pledge year, after having drank a lot, the pledge class went to the basement and began watching a porn video. Three or four of the guys followed the example of one pledge and pulled out their members to begin masturbating to the video. The rest of us kind of laughed and joked about them. All of them stopped before climaxing, however.
Later that year a friend and I were sitting in my room and the topic of masturbation came up. He asked if I needed to masturbate, to which I responded "yes." One thing leading to another and we masturbated in front of each other. He first went to his room and retrieved some Vaseline which he applied to his penis and offered me some. I am uncircumcised and wasn't quite sure what to do, having never needed or used any lubrication before, but accepted and followed his example by spreading it on the head of my penis. This experience is what first gave me non-latent awareness about circumcision and some of the little differences between circumcised and uncircumcised males.
The following year another member of the fraternity, who had been drinking on the Friday night of Memorial Day weekend (when most other members had gone home), jokingly asked if I wanted to masturbate with him. I said sure, figuring I could play it off as a joke if he was just kidding around. I really did not have any particular interest in masturbating with other men, except I knew that this person, an Asian born outside the U.S., was uncircumcised and I was anxious to see another uncircumcised guy masturbate, as my only experience to that point was my one time with a circumcised male. We went to his room and he dropped his pants and sat on the futon. I sat next to him and masturbated him to orgasm, after which he did the same to me. He fell asleep (or passed out) almost immediately after my ejaculation. I cleaned myself up with some Kleenex, left the room, and went to bed.
These two instances were my only experiences with other males. In both cases we never acknowledged what had happened later but never had any embarrassment being around each other. In short, our friendships remained, and remain, fairly unaffected.
Since beginning to read JackinWorld I have become intrigued by how many people's own feelings and thoughts on masturbation are similar to my own. I have tried some of the different methods for masturbating to varying degrees of success, and now I regularly turn to JackinWorld for ideas when I'm tired of the same old hand-pumping technique.
Because of the frank and open forum provided by JackinWorld, any last taboos about masturbation in my mind have been broken. I now view it as a normal, everyday practice, analogous to brushing my teeth or showering.
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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