When you are in a loving relationship, you want to explore every inch of the body you love and also to be explored by that person. I can't imagine a place where I wouldn't want to be touched. I do enjoy touching myself all over when masturbating, although not all the time. Sometimes I just want to have a quickie for the fun and joyful thrills; other times I want to take my time and enjoy every inch of my body as the power builds. Masturbation is a miracle to be enjoyed in every form.
- age 67, Texas
This Week's Wackiest Response:
I don't touch my penis while masturbating. It's gross.
- age 16, Michigan
No place is off limits for me. Someone could touch me anywhere.
- age 13, Ohio
I wouldn't want anybody to touch my buttocks.
- age 49, Alabama
In between my toes.
- age 12, Canada
There are no private places on my body. I want to be touched everywhere by both sexes, because I like it. I feel myself everywhere when I masturbate, because I enjoy it. It's only kinky the first time you try it.
- age 24, Indiana
Up my rectum, because that's just nasty — and it's not very hygienic. I rarely touch myself there — not at all in the last few months.
- age 13, Minnesota
There are no places on my body that I would not let my lover touch me. He can touch me everywhere. We have explored and enjoyed every inch of each other.
- age 46, New Jersey (female)
My feet — I hate my feet. All those people that have foot fetishes should go play in traffic — weirdos. Don't touch my feet!
- age 15, Sweden
I'm completely open about my sexuality and don't mind exploring new areas on my body. I used to be concerned about my anus, but that changed a couple years back. My girlfriend at the time was giving me oral sex and slid her dildo into me. What an amazing orgasm! She also went down on me in that area. I regularly use items to stimulate my anus now, whether I'm masturbating or having sex.
- age 27, South Carolina
On several occasions, my friend and I have shown each other our penises to compare sizes, and this has always led to both of us having erections. Once, he let me touch his testicles and I let him touch mine. But I definitely didn't want him to touch my penis, especially the foreskin and head, which is too sensitive. The feeling of his hand on my scrotum was almost enough to make me ejaculate spontaneously, so I'm sure that if he had put his hand on my penis he would have gotten covered with my sperm within a few seconds.
- age 15, Ireland
I used to think anal stimulation from anyone else was outright taboo — that if I were to let someone touch me "there" it would lead to penetration. The idea made me uneasy. In my opinion, it's a huge trust issue, and until lately, I had not met anyone that I would trust that much. But when I masturbate, the idea persists, and I have experimented with anal stimulation — what I call soft penetration. It makes the orgasms totally fabulous, and I recently found out that it is even better when I let my guard down and let my lover do the touching. It is very erotic and makes me quite curious about pursuing the subject further. It's all good.
- age 38, Washington (female)
I don't like people to touch the area between my testicles and my anus. I have a lot of hair there, and I feel weird to see people's facial expressions when they rub across it. And I try not to touch it myself when I'm masturbating.
- age 15, Virginia
This may seem a little strange — from what I've read, this should be a major turn-on. But I hate to have my scrotum touched or stroked. Whenever someone else does it, my balls shrink back and I lose my erection quickly. I can touch myself there without any ill effect, but it does nothing for me. Girls often try to enhance things by stroking me there, but I have to stop them. It seems so ungrateful somehow. However, lower down towards my anus is another matter entirely.
- age 32, United Kingdom
I don't think there is anywhere I touch myself that I wouldn't let one of my friends or girlfriends touch. I'm quite an open person.
- age 16, Florida
I would never want anyone to touch my eyes — I have a thing about them. Whenever someone or something touches them, I get totally freaked.
- age 18, Illinois
For some odd reason, I really hate it when anyone touches my teeth or my mouth. I hate going to the dentist because I get major anxiety. As far as masturbation is concerned, my mouth is not erotic for me. If it were, I would brush my teeth 5 times a day.
- age 17, California
To have anyone touch my ears is annoying and distracting.
- age 21, South Carolina
I wouldn't want anyone to touch the inside of my urethra, because that would be painful.
- age 17, North Carolina
My belly button kind of freaks me sometimes. I can touch it slighty, but I can't just jab a finger in there.
- age 16, New Jersey
I wouldn't want anyone to touch my thighs. It turns me on instantly, and I don't want to be turned on by the wrong people! However, I do touch them while I masturbate, as it gives me intense pleasure. Whenever I touch them during masturbation, the "erotic urge" runs through my body.
- age 20, United Kingdom
I don't like anyone touching my feet — period. They are much too sensitive. I don't mind touching them myself, but I doubt that I'd touch them during masturbation. I don't think that it would add or subtract pleasure. Hmm — perhaps this calls for some experimentation.
- age 15, Illinois
My belly button. No way do I touch it unless I must — and then, only in the shower. It's quite uncomfortable, like it hurts when it's touched.
- age 45, New York
I wouldn't like people touching my testicles. It just sends a shiver down my spine at the thought of it. I sometimes touch them when I masturbate, but not often.
- age 15, Australia
If anyone touches my nose, it starts to itch in a non-erotic, annoying sort of way. I'm also neurotic about being able to breathe. I only touch it myself to scratch an itch. However, I enjoy being touched anywhere else — just stay away from my nose!
- age 49, New Jersey
My nose — it would just be plain weird if someone poked my nose. And no, I don't touch myself there.
- age 15, Texas
During mutual masturbation, sex play, or intercourse, I wouldn't mind being touched in any intimate places of my body. But there are body parts not considered sexually intimate where I do not like to be touched, such as inside my nostrils and my eyeballs. I wouldn't touch myself there during masturbation, either. I guess it doesn't carry any sexual feeling to me. And in the case of my eyeballs, it would hurt. I'm not a masochist.
- age 57, Maryland
The space between my testicles and anus — I can't stand someone to touch me there. But when I masturbate, I often lick my finger and rub there — it feels awesome!
- age 17, Mexico
I do not like anyone touching my nipples or my scrotum. Nor do I like to touch myself in those areas. They are both so sensitive that to touch them during sexual activity is painful.
- age 23, Indiana
When my friends touch my scrotum, I get weird feelings about it — not because I don't like the feeling (I do), but because my scrotum is so small. My friends just like to touch it because they think it's amusing. They often laugh at it and compare it to their larger ones. However, I have a friend who has the same problem, and he understands me. So we often play with each other's.
- age 14, Canada
I have long hair and I can't stand anyone messing with it. It always ruins the mood.
- age 18, Mississippi (female)
I would object to anything touching my lips. As a child, I was emotionally traumatized with the issue of intimacy, so I am very uncomfortable with kissing. I even freak out if I see kissing on TV or touch food to my lips. So no, I would not touch myself there while masturbating, although sometimes I kiss in my fantasies.
- age 17, Minnesota
My right foot, because it has a plantar wart. Otherwise, you can touch me anywhere.
- age 31, Texas
I don't like anyone touching my face, and I wouldn't touch it when masturbating.
- age 17, Canada
It may sound weird, but I hate it when people touch my stomach. It really irritates me. I think it is sexy when a girl caresses my face and rubs my back; it's a big turn-on. But when a girl touches my stomach, it just ruins the moment immediately for me.
- age 15, Oregon
I don't like it to be touched on my stomach by anyone else. When I do it myself, it's no problem; but when somebody else does it tickles too much. I hate that. I want to stay in control, so usually I guide the other person's hands over my body.
- age 18, The Netherlands
In my nose — and no, I don't finger my nose while I masturbate.
- age 16, Oregon
I probably wouldn't want anyone to touch my testicles, unless it is my girlfriend, but that is a whole different story. However, I always fondle them while I'm masturbating. It makes the sensation that much better. I just have this feeling about my testicles that they are mine and no one can grab hold of them, you know.
- age 18, Virginia
I hate it when someone touches my ears. It's the last place on my body I think about when I'm having sex or masturbating.
- age 14, Australia
I think my feet are the worst part of my body, and although I don't mind touching other people's feet, I hate it when people even look at mine.
- age 17, Florida
My testicles — I don't touch myself there because I worry about hurting myself, and they feel so sensitive, so I figure why risk it? Besides, it doesn't feel good for me or anyone else to touch them.
- age 15, Illinois
There is no place that I wouldn't want someone to touch me, but I hate it when people are too rough with my nipples. It's not a turn-on.
- age 16, Wisconsin
The taboo place that comes immediately to mind is the anus. My generation was taught emphatically that, having the function of elimination, the anus is "dirty." I have always avoided touching it for any but the necessary reasons (cleanliness, primarily). Authorities now cite its richness in nerve endings, its role as a portal to the prostate, and various other reasons why the old taboo should be abandoned. But to my regret, the old teachings remain strong, thus depriving me of a potential new source of sexual experimentation and possibly even gratification.
- age 72, Arkansas
The armpit — it makes me feel harassed and tickled.
- age 14, Canada
Just above my left armpit is a scar from an operation. I don't even like to touch it myself, let alone let anyone near it. I have no idea why, but if I were doing some sort of sexual thing with someone, I would make sure to tell them about it.
- age 19, Australia
I don't like touching the part under my knees.
- age 15, United Kingdom
I don't like my nipples being touched. I know that many people like their nipples to be touched; but for me, it just irritates them and almost hurts. I just don't like it.
- age 14, New Jersey
I don't like to have anyone touch the back of my neck where the shortest hairs on my head are. I find it so irritating that even I don't touch it much.
- age 22, New Zealand
I do not like kissing, or anything in my mouth, but everything else is okay.
- age 13, Arkansas
I really don't care where my friends touch me, because it always feels so good. However, i have a lot of bisexual friends who always try to kiss me when we masturbate. It's not because I don't like kissing — I do it with boys all the time — I just don't like girls doing it to me (at least on my lips).
- age 16, United Kingdom (female)
The spot between my scrotum and anus, even though I always rub it during masturbation. I wouldn't want anyone to touch me there, not even my lover, because it's a little hairy.
- age 14, Ohio
Typically, my least favorite place to be touched is my lower back — right above the belt line. This is probably the most sensitive area of my body (yes, I'm ticklish), and whenever my girlfriend touches me there, either during mutual masturbation or intercourse, it spoils the mood of the "special evening."
- age 20, Canada
I would not like anyone to touch or even look at my feet. I don't touch my feet when I masturbate, either. I think feet are gross. When I die I am going to ask God why he made them so ugly. I would not touch anyone's feet, so they better not touch mine.
- age 14, Connecticut
Back in high school, my balls got kicked during a fierce soccer game. After quick medical treatment everything was okay, fortunately. However, from then on, I would't let anyone touch the area between my balls and anus, because it is extremely sensitive to me. Even during intercourse, my wife often tries to caress the place, but it hurts. As a frequent masturbator, I wouldn't touch anywhere behind my balls, either.
- age 37, China
I don't like it when people touch my nipples. They are sensitive, but I get this depressed feeling immediatly after I touch them.
- age 15, Canada
My testicles are too sensitive and I would not risk them being hurt. I hardly touch them myself during masturbation. Besides, why would anyone touch the small things when there is another much more suitable thing nearby to touch?
- age 34, Holland