I can't remember a time when I did not play with my penis. It always felt good when it was erect and the skin tight. At age 7 or 8, a playmate joined me in this activity, but we did not do it to each other. Puberty came at about age 13 — pubic hair appeared and my penis began to enlarge. I heard boys in the playground talk about "coming," and I asked them about it and told them I had never done that. They said just to "keep on" doing it when I was playing with my penis and that I would get there.
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Oh, what a feeling
Phone sex
Masturbation — what a wonderful thing! I probably started masturbating late in life. I was 15 the first time I did it. I had experimented quite a bit with girls by that age, feeling their breasts and and even masturbating them, although not to climax I don't believe. I always got erections during this petting phase but never thought about masturbating.
Just not yet
I was reared in a home where sex was never mentioned; I never even heard the word "pregnant." How I managed to get to be 11 years old before learning the facts of life I do not know, but I did. I moved to a new school when I was in the 5th grade, and there I began to get a real education in things I'd never heard of. I knew where babies came from, of course, but I had no idea how they got there.
My story is somewhat different because I did not ejaculate by hand until I was nearly 18. I was raised in an extremely sexually repressive home. My mother did not believe in sex for pleasure and rarely engaged in it. Sex was never discussed at our house, and neither my 3 older brothers nor I ever received any sex instruction at home.
Over the headboard
Where I live, sex education is very lacking. They only tell you the raw basics: Man and woman get together, and sperm is transferred from male to female (somehow), and that's basically it. Nothing about how the whole erection thing happens, nothing about pleasuring yourself, or anything remotely close.
Against the jets
I distinctly remember the first time I masturbated — it was after reading a book about puberty when I was 12. I was lying in bed and I had an erection. I didn't know about masturbation yet, but I did know about things like oral sex. For some reason, I thought, "I wonder what it feels like..." and tried, unsuccessfully, to get my penis into my mouth. Instead, I put saliva in my hand and put it on my erection — I thought of it as a simulation of my mouth.
Lifelong quest
My nearly 9 years of masturbation have been plagued with misinformation. I keenly recall one of my early experiences: I was watching Saturday Night Live, and Dr. Joycelyn Elders was being portrayed, just after all the hoopla over her now-infamous remarks. At that time, I had just turned 12 and had been getting erections for some time, but was still uncertain exactly what they were good for other than embarrassment. Speaking with my parents on anything sex-related was, and still is, difficult.
Scrambled porn
I remember the first time I discovered masturbation. I was 11 or 12. I remember lying on the floor doing my spelling homework, and for some odd reason or another, I just started to rub my penis on the floor. It started to feel really good, so I continued doing it. Then suddenly, this explosive feeling swept over me from my head all the way down to my toes. It felt great — like nothing I had ever felt before.
Bonding experience
I first found out about masturbation when I was 10 or 11. I was in the shower and I had an erection. I sat on the floor of the shower and just started to rub my penis. After about 15 minutes I started to experience a feeling I had never had before. It got stronger and stronger as the seconds went by. I was getting nervous about what was happening, but it felt too good to stop. All of a sudden a huge wad of white goo spurted all over. I had no idea what it was or what I had just done. I thought I had done something wrong or harmful to myself. I felt like a pervert.
In tune
I've masturbated almost as long as I can remember. I am now 30 years old. As a small child before I went to school, I remember getting behind a chair in the living room and playing with my erect penis. It just felt so good to rub it with my hands. I don't ever recall having dry orgasms, but I did enjoy it — although I had no idea what I was doing! There were lots of girls in my neighborhood. I vividly remember a number of occasions before second grade where I would hide away with one of the neighbor girls, and we would show each other our genitals.